Wednesday, December 31, 2008
And It Came To Pass - Christmas Comes To Zimmer
It has been a long time coming! For the last few years every Christmas has found this buzz going round 'we shall have a cantata'. However, that never went beyond the idea carrier Elias Wamae. What we did not know is that the time had not yet come. And come it did!!
2008 was the moment. Almost singlehandedly Elias Wamae brought together the Clergy, Choir, the Boys & Girls Brigade, StAY Alive, Praise Team and StATIC to put together a lovely rendition of the birth of Christ.
The stage and the decor, which were setup over a number of days, the music and the perfomance, the lights and the big screen... everything agreed that indeed as it was ultimately branded, Christmas Came To Zimmer!!
2008 was the moment. Almost singlehandedly Elias Wamae brought together the Clergy, Choir, the Boys & Girls Brigade, StAY Alive, Praise Team and StATIC to put together a lovely rendition of the birth of Christ.
The stage and the decor, which were setup over a number of days, the music and the perfomance, the lights and the big screen... everything agreed that indeed as it was ultimately branded, Christmas Came To Zimmer!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What A Year!! StAY Alive Dinner & Liberty Awards Nite 2008
Every year closes with the annual dinner and the Liberty Awards and 2008 was no different.
Though the event began a tad late, there was no dumper to the activity that laid ahead. With a dome erected at the Church compound, several invited guests, including visitors from other youth groups, StAY Alive Pevu members and other supporters of StAY Alive were part of the event.
After having a lovely dinner, the speaker of the day Mr Wakubwa made a thought provoking presenation on Success Tips For Youth. If you missed this you may need to follow up on the presentation slides!
The moment of the night was when the top performers were recognised. A new category 'Group of The Year' . The awards were shared out thus:
Song Of The Year: All Around
Event Of The Year: StAY Klean & StAY Alive Roadshow
Group Of The Year: Yakobo
Official Of The Year: Barbra Maina
Chairmans Award: Titus Ng'ang'a
Rookie Of The Year Male: Robert Njoroge
Rookie Of The Year Female: Evelyn Muthoni
Most Valuable Member Female: Barbra Maina
Most Valuable Member Male: Dennis Wabukala
That was 2008! Looking forward to another year of growth in every aspect as is StAY Alives vision in 2009!!
Though the event began a tad late, there was no dumper to the activity that laid ahead. With a dome erected at the Church compound, several invited guests, including visitors from other youth groups, StAY Alive Pevu members and other supporters of StAY Alive were part of the event.
After having a lovely dinner, the speaker of the day Mr Wakubwa made a thought provoking presenation on Success Tips For Youth. If you missed this you may need to follow up on the presentation slides!
The moment of the night was when the top performers were recognised. A new category 'Group of The Year' . The awards were shared out thus:
Song Of The Year: All Around
Event Of The Year: StAY Klean & StAY Alive Roadshow
Group Of The Year: Yakobo
Official Of The Year: Barbra Maina
Chairmans Award: Titus Ng'ang'a
Rookie Of The Year Male: Robert Njoroge
Rookie Of The Year Female: Evelyn Muthoni
Most Valuable Member Female: Barbra Maina
Most Valuable Member Male: Dennis Wabukala
That was 2008! Looking forward to another year of growth in every aspect as is StAY Alives vision in 2009!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Event Recap:: StAY Klean & StAY Alive Anti-Drugs Raodshow
One of the key pillars of StAY Alive's growth has been the tradition of benchmarking and surpassing targets. How better else to display this tradition than at the groups biggest event (by reach and budget) the anti-drugs roadshow.
Running under the KATAA Initiative, this years edition was not going to pull any stops! From the pre-event activities including the fundraising, hype, and other preparations, this was going to be one big event. And one big event it was.
Starting off from Kahawa West on to Githurai 44 transversing the estate into Githurai 45 moving on to Kasarani and on to Zimmerman... the message was pushed home in every manner possible!! From the state of the art truck (it was a sight to behold), the lovely team of counsellors and recovering addicts from Freedom From Addiction and Brightside Centre, the lovely Administration Police Band, Performing artists including YRC, Caro Nyce, StATIC and KTatu, to the the psyched membership that made sure all heard the message loud and clear, its was a tough fight against drugs.
Special mention to the Kenya Police and the Apex Security Company for providing enough security along the route.
In all it was a well executed event which continues to meet and surpass its objectives over and over. Kudos to the StAY Alive leadership, the KATAA Secretariat and the StAY Alive membership for a well co-ordinated event right from the planning stages to the execution!!
The bar has been raised!
Running under the KATAA Initiative, this years edition was not going to pull any stops! From the pre-event activities including the fundraising, hype, and other preparations, this was going to be one big event. And one big event it was.
Starting off from Kahawa West on to Githurai 44 transversing the estate into Githurai 45 moving on to Kasarani and on to Zimmerman... the message was pushed home in every manner possible!! From the state of the art truck (it was a sight to behold), the lovely team of counsellors and recovering addicts from Freedom From Addiction and Brightside Centre, the lovely Administration Police Band, Performing artists including YRC, Caro Nyce, StATIC and KTatu, to the the psyched membership that made sure all heard the message loud and clear, its was a tough fight against drugs.
Special mention to the Kenya Police and the Apex Security Company for providing enough security along the route.
In all it was a well executed event which continues to meet and surpass its objectives over and over. Kudos to the StAY Alive leadership, the KATAA Secretariat and the StAY Alive membership for a well co-ordinated event right from the planning stages to the execution!!
The bar has been raised!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mihadarati ni Muhadhara KATAA Muhadhara

Under the K.A.T.A.A Initiative, the roadshow is the major event in StAY Alives anti-drugs program. As it has come to be known, the roadshow is an engaging and heated run through the estates in and around Kasarani.
The Roadshow emphases on reaching out with a message against drugs. In tow are live performances, skits and dance, brass band... rehabilitating drug addicts, counselors etc
This years roadshow is the seventh of its kind.
Time and Place
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008
Time: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Kasarani Division - Zimmerman, Githurai 44 / 45
Flag off: Kahawa West
Route: Kahawa West - Githurai 44/45 - Roysambu - Zimmerman.
[StAYAlive’s Anti-Drug & Substance Abuse Program]
St Andrews Youth [StAY] Alive Fellowship is the youth arm of the ACK St Andrew’s Church in Zimmerman Estate, Nairobi, StAY Alive Fellowship exists as an arm of the Church to proclaim the message of Christ through prayers, fellowship, mission and training enabling the youth to mature holistically to fight as good soldiers of Christ and thus attain the crown when Christ returns.
We realize that the above vision cannot be fulfilled without reaching out to the young people around us. Many social ills are continuing to affect the country’s young people and we therefore agree that we need to be an instrument of change to society. We have identified the areas which our young are being affected most and have taken up the challenge to change the society around us. This is being done through various programs which include:
1.K-A-T-A-A Initiative - Anti Drugs and Substance Abuse program
2.P2H (Penzi Halisi Husubiri,) Program – A true love waits program (Sexual purity).
3.StAY Alive PEVU —A mentorship program
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KATAA stands for Keepin’ Away Threatening Abuse and Addiction
It is quite evident that our society is no longer ‘Klean’ – free from drugs. The indicators in the community show a drug culture exhibited by:
- Alcoholism
- Rising drugs related immoralities and crime (Violent robberies, rape, murder,
suicide, corruption and sexual promiscuity)
- Indiscipline in schools
- Reported serious drug trafficking cases
We believe that the church today is called not only to preach the gospel but also be the “salt” and “light” of the world.
- Salt — Positively affect the society without ignoring any ‘kind’ of people.
- Light — Take a front line role in showing direction to the society and spearhead the fight against all immorality and ills in the society.
We believe that the moral decay In our society can be contained if we take a step towards eliminating it.
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StAY Klean & StAY Alive
Say NO to drugs - KATAA
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Main Goal and Objectives
The main goal of the Initiative is to assist in DEMAND REDUCTION. This is based on certain fundamental principals which include: -
•“Prevention is better than cure”: Providing information on drugs and drug abuse is
crucial to enable our youth make informed decisions.
• Showing the co-relation between drugs and HIV/AIDS
• Providing interventions to drug users and addicts by giving tit-bits on how to
kick the habit and/or referring them to places where they can get assistance.
• Pointing the way to the One who can “fill the void” which we seek to fill with
drugs. In this regard we seek to substitute the impact of drugs with Jesus Christ.
From the above goal and principles the following outcomes are expected:
• A reduction in the drug abuse menace in our society. Starting from our immediate
environs, to the entire city and hopefully the nation, We envisage a future
society that is drugs free.
• An enlightened community with respect to the dangers of being involved in drugs
either use or trafficking (drug abuse).
• A Help Centre for people already entangled in drugs and substance abuse
• A Resource and Co-ordination Base/Centre for Anti-Drugs Abuse Campaigners within
our immediate environment.
= = = # # = = =
The Strategic Approaches
StAY Alive implements this program through the use of the available resources.
- This Initiative is under the administration of a special secretariat appointed
from the StAY Alive Fellowship.
- Tap available talents, abilities and professional skills amongst its members and
the church at large (The secretariat has the full mandate to set up special task-
force sub committees and co-opt member from the church).
- Establish links with resourceful departments within the church i.e. The Counseling
Team, Community Aids Educators in St. Andrews (CAESA), Education Board and the
Medical Board.
Explore and utilize available avenues in the sensitization campaign
- StAY Klean and SLAY Alive Anti-drugs Roadshows.
- Seminars / workshops / Talk shop and fellowship.
- School programs
- Electronic and print media particularly Radio & TV Programs on local stations
and newspaper/magazine articles
- Use of other mass conscietization materials like posters, pamphlets, banners,
stickers, labels, badges, caps, T-shirts, signs.
- Theatric performance including e.g. songs, plays & Skits, poems, puppetry,
More Objectives:
To equip and prepare the KATAA Programme participants (especially the StAY Alive members) now and in future so that they can effectively reach out and basically reach out people on drugs.
Resource persons: Counsellor’s experience, people with knowledge of drugs and their effects drawn from handling of such patients.
Rehabilitated persons People who will help us stage a successful campaign in terms of follow up & Campaigners and sharing of personal experiences of such campaigns.
To equip the community i.e. spouses, guardians, siblings, peers on how to handle and cope with such affected individuals, addicts and susceptible parties.
To establish links with readily and locally available counselors and counseling organizations so that a follow up programme is pursued where a system with a person responsible for handling drugs issues is established.
For starters, an avenue for sourcing drugs related problems. Then the StAY Alive office and the KATAA Secretariat will channel the problems/ affected people to the local counselors who will do their part and in special cases, they will channel the clients to relevant counseling organizations/ hospitals.
‘Scary hallucinations forced me to sober up’ (Daily Nation 19/11/08)

A healthy looking Paul Ndung’u is now focused on what he can gain from remaining sober after a past severely damaged by his dependence on drink and drugs. Photo/CHRIS OMOLLO
By MILLICENT MWOLOLO Posted Tuesday, November 18 2008 at 15:44
“I lost my family because I loved alcohol and drugs more than I did my wife and kids. I cannot blame anyone but myself for that, but I am happy because now I am trying to fit back into society.
It is the biggest challenge any recovering addict can face, so I don’t really blame those sceptics who will forever view me as a drunkard – the life I led for so many years left my integrity completely in tatters.
But I no longer expect other people to understand me like I did back when I stole to get money to support my addiction. Instead, I am trying to understand them.
My long story goes back to 1983. As a Form Five student in Kiambu High School, I would be sent by other boys to buy alcohol and bhang (marijuana) for them.
Read more
Friday, October 31, 2008
Event Recap:: PhD 2008
It's not just the name, its real... Heaven did come down on us during the PhD (Pullin Heaven Down) Prais-athon 2008.
Themed 'Peace In My Heart - Peace In The World' everything from the decor, the music, the authenticity, the works ll blended into a warm heartfelt worship day. From the first service at 8AM to the third one that ended way past 1PM and onto the main event in the afternoon, heaven smiled on us.
During the morning sessions, joint thanks giving prayers were made for our beloved country Kenya amid sounds of 'Mungu Ibariki Afrika, Mungu ibariki na Kenya'.
The afternoon session was warm and inviting, the stage was set with lovely African decor complimented by the stacks of hay and the kanga uniforms. The music was across board, from Rose Muhando's Yesu Nakupenda, Kamau Karongo's Mungu U Mwema, Mbuvi's Nishike to the international medley that included All Around, Mourning Into Dancing, Jesus Has Conquered; to the ever green Shout to Lord done in swahili God's Spirit was in the house.
Hang on, three tracks off the upcoming CD (with a December release date) were dropped and were they not hot! Keep it here for the details.
We now looking forward to the Second Edition of PhD Overnite taking place this Friday Oct 31st from 9:30PM. See you then and keep it here for more updates.
Here are a few pics: for more join us on Face book.
Friday, October 17, 2008
PHD prais-athon 2008 edition

In conjunction with the St Andrews Praise Team and a host of accomplished instrumentalists and vocalists, StAY Alive holds a marathon of praise every October. phd [Pullin' Heaven Down] Prais-Athon is a live, inclusive praise and worship experience encouraging a personal encounter with God.
Themed 'Peace In My Heart - Peace In The World' in recognition of the place of peace and more in thanks giving for the continued deliverance of our Country from the violence that rocked it at the beginning of the year, the event will happen twice. Sunday 26th October 2008, the entire day from morning to evening will be a praise marathon!!! All services (8AM, 9:30AM & 11:00AM).The main event will be in the afternoon.
On Friday, 31st October 2008, the there will be an overnight marathon at 9:30pm till dawn.
The schedule is as follows;
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008
Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: ACK St Andrews Zimmerman
Street: Kamiti Road
City/Town: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: Friday, October 31, 2008
Start Time: 9:30pm
End Time: Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 6:00am
Location: ACK St Andrews Zimmerman
Street: Kamiti Road
City/Town: Nairobi, Kenya
Entry is absolutely free.
Themed 'Peace In My Heart - Peace In The World' in recognition of the place of peace and more in thanks giving for the continued deliverance of our Country from the violence that rocked it at the beginning of the year, the event will happen twice. Sunday 26th October 2008, the entire day from morning to evening will be a praise marathon!!! All services (8AM, 9:30AM & 11:00AM).The main event will be in the afternoon.
On Friday, 31st October 2008, the there will be an overnight marathon at 9:30pm till dawn.
The schedule is as follows;
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008
Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: ACK St Andrews Zimmerman
Street: Kamiti Road
City/Town: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: Friday, October 31, 2008
Start Time: 9:30pm
End Time: Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 6:00am
Location: ACK St Andrews Zimmerman
Street: Kamiti Road
City/Town: Nairobi, Kenya
Entry is absolutely free.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saitoti orders closure of estate bars (Daily Nation Oct 15, 2008)
Internal Security minister George Saitoti has ordered the closure of bars and clubs operating in residential estates.
Premises that sell alcohol to minors and those that operate beyond authorised hours will also have their permits withdrawn.
Prof Saitoti said bars, especially in Nairobi estates, are a nuisance to residents and directed the Liquor Licensing Court, normally chaired by the Provincial Commissioner, to revoke their licences.
“The city is zoned into residential and business areas and no bars and night clubs are allowed in the former.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Event Recap:: Operation 25 2008
Saturday 27, September will go down as one great and eventful day in the StAY Alive calendar. The biggest fundraising activity for it anti-drugs program, Operation 25 was taking place.
What made it different this time was the fact that in its fourth edition , it doubled up as a get-together for the wider St Andrews Community. What that meant was that the turn out was big with over 100 walkers participating in the walk proper, meaning larger logistics but also more excitement!
Well before 7:00AM StAY Alivers had already started trickling in and setting the place. The first walkers started signing in at 7 and with the huge turnout this went on for a while. Some minutes to 8 was warm up time. Aerobics (complete with an instructor) went on and the atmosphere got electric. A few opening remarks later including summaries of the do's and don'ts the Pastor blessed the walkers and flagged off the eager participants at 8:30.
The young, the old; the not so young and not so old; bikers, walkers, runners; crawlers and all were at their best.
Three and a half hours later the first walkers were back and they trickled back til the last group at 2:10PM.
A sumptous lunch was served and blessings said. StAY Alive remid behind to clean up.
In all, the statistics were amazing... 300 cards issued, over 150 fully paid up and as we published amounts collected had hit 196,000!! And counting. We beleive by the time the curtains come down on Operation 25, our 210,000 target will have been hit.
Great day, well spent. And all agreed, we shall be back in 12months!!
Savor the pics, more on FaceBook.

The Top Walker For The Second Year Running... Keep at it Geoff!!
What made it different this time was the fact that in its fourth edition , it doubled up as a get-together for the wider St Andrews Community. What that meant was that the turn out was big with over 100 walkers participating in the walk proper, meaning larger logistics but also more excitement!
Well before 7:00AM StAY Alivers had already started trickling in and setting the place. The first walkers started signing in at 7 and with the huge turnout this went on for a while. Some minutes to 8 was warm up time. Aerobics (complete with an instructor) went on and the atmosphere got electric. A few opening remarks later including summaries of the do's and don'ts the Pastor blessed the walkers and flagged off the eager participants at 8:30.
The young, the old; the not so young and not so old; bikers, walkers, runners; crawlers and all were at their best.
Three and a half hours later the first walkers were back and they trickled back til the last group at 2:10PM.
A sumptous lunch was served and blessings said. StAY Alive remid behind to clean up.
In all, the statistics were amazing... 300 cards issued, over 150 fully paid up and as we published amounts collected had hit 196,000!! And counting. We beleive by the time the curtains come down on Operation 25, our 210,000 target will have been hit.
Great day, well spent. And all agreed, we shall be back in 12months!!
Savor the pics, more on FaceBook.
The Top Walker For The Second Year Running... Keep at it Geoff!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Zimmerman Estate Residents Facing Eviction (Business Daily, Sep 23, 2008)
Thousands of tenants in the lower middle class estate of Zimmerman in Nairobi are staring at imminent relocation after the National Environment Management Authority issued stop orders to landlords over improper waste disposal.
The orders were issued after an inspection tour revealed the serious extent to which environmental degradation had taken place in the estate along Thika Road. Read More...
The orders were issued after an inspection tour revealed the serious extent to which environmental degradation had taken place in the estate along Thika Road. Read More...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Operation 25 Is Here With Us
What seemed to be ages away a while back is here. Operation 25 takes place this Saturday and all systems are getting together well. As promised we write to update you on the latest and also to issue you with the days itinerary.
1) Registered Walkers: We had targeted to register at least 210 walkers. To date we have issued 280 registration cards. As at Sunday 21st Sept out of these 280, 106 were fully paid up for the walk. A further 30 had made partial payments while the rest totalling 144 were yet to make any settlements. From the target we had hoped to raise 210,000/-. So far we have managed to collect 138,580/-. We hope and trust that those with balances will settle and a good percentage of the card holders will remit as well. We shall keep updating you as we move along.
2) Itinerary for the day: As was announced we commence signing in procedure at 7:00AM for a 7:45AM flag-off. It is important to be early to allow some few logistics to take place and start off early before it gets too hot.
3) The Route: The 25KM route will start at the Church proceeding towards Githurai 44, Kamiti, Kamiti Corner, Kirigiti, KIST, Ridgeways, Windsor, St Joseph Arimathea, USIU, Mirema and back to the Church.
4) What to carry: Kindly dress appropriately with special attention to the footwear. You need not carry any water since we have been proudly supplied with bottled water by one of the walkers. We shall also be distributing sweets and glucose at designated points. Further, lunch will be served to all participants at the end of the walk.
5) Safety Issues: We have a few first aid volunteers. However, for your own safety we urge you to keep to the right side of the road, off the main road and on the pathways. For all bikers, kindly adhere to traffic rules. Several chase cars will be doing the rounds and will be available to assist at any time.
6) Things to lookout for: The oldest walker who is also the top male walker Mzee Wachira a.k.a ‘mbio mbio’. Also be on the lookout for the reigning All Africa Games Walk Gold Medalist Grace Wanjiru, keep up with these two if you can!!
In summary, kindly remember that this doubles up as a Get – Together Fellowship and we are encouraged to engage with one another as much as possible. We encourage you to know someone new!! Further, remember that the proceeds of this walk go towards StAY Alive’s KATAA Initiative. Your continued support of the campaign against drugs is very much appreciated.
Lets Walk The Talk
1) Registered Walkers: We had targeted to register at least 210 walkers. To date we have issued 280 registration cards. As at Sunday 21st Sept out of these 280, 106 were fully paid up for the walk. A further 30 had made partial payments while the rest totalling 144 were yet to make any settlements. From the target we had hoped to raise 210,000/-. So far we have managed to collect 138,580/-. We hope and trust that those with balances will settle and a good percentage of the card holders will remit as well. We shall keep updating you as we move along.
2) Itinerary for the day: As was announced we commence signing in procedure at 7:00AM for a 7:45AM flag-off. It is important to be early to allow some few logistics to take place and start off early before it gets too hot.
3) The Route: The 25KM route will start at the Church proceeding towards Githurai 44, Kamiti, Kamiti Corner, Kirigiti, KIST, Ridgeways, Windsor, St Joseph Arimathea, USIU, Mirema and back to the Church.
4) What to carry: Kindly dress appropriately with special attention to the footwear. You need not carry any water since we have been proudly supplied with bottled water by one of the walkers. We shall also be distributing sweets and glucose at designated points. Further, lunch will be served to all participants at the end of the walk.
5) Safety Issues: We have a few first aid volunteers. However, for your own safety we urge you to keep to the right side of the road, off the main road and on the pathways. For all bikers, kindly adhere to traffic rules. Several chase cars will be doing the rounds and will be available to assist at any time.
6) Things to lookout for: The oldest walker who is also the top male walker Mzee Wachira a.k.a ‘mbio mbio’. Also be on the lookout for the reigning All Africa Games Walk Gold Medalist Grace Wanjiru, keep up with these two if you can!!
In summary, kindly remember that this doubles up as a Get – Together Fellowship and we are encouraged to engage with one another as much as possible. We encourage you to know someone new!! Further, remember that the proceeds of this walk go towards StAY Alive’s KATAA Initiative. Your continued support of the campaign against drugs is very much appreciated.
Lets Walk The Talk
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Operation 25:: 2008 Edition
StAY Alive’s mission cannot be attained without reaching out to the young people around them.
Many social ills continue to affect the country’s young people and the group agree that they need to be an instrument of change to society. StAY Alive has identified the areas which our young are being affected most and have taken up the challenge to change this by impacting on the society around them and have zeroed in on what has affected them the most; sexual immorality and the related HIV/AIDS pandemic and drug abuse.
StAY Alive runs several programs including:
1. StAY Alive PEVU – A mentorship program
2. P2H (Penzi Halisi Husubiri) Program – A true love waits program (Sexual purity).
3. K-A-T-A-A Initiative - Anti Drugs and Substance Abuse program. K-A-T-A-A is an acronym for Keepin’ Away Threatening Abuse & Addiction.
StAY Alive's anti-drugs campaign climaxes each year in December with a day long-roadshow in and around Zimmerman Est. This years event will be the 7th with great achievements having been met.
As part of our commitment to raise funds each year we walk 25kms in an event dubbed Operation 25. This years budget for the KATAA Roadshow stands at 300,000/- and therefore we hope, with your support, to fund at least 50% of it through funds raised in the walk. The walk is slated for September 27, 2008.
We invite you to give your pledge by reply email ( and a date when we can arrange to collect the same. Further if your organisation would be willing to offer support to this program please advise and I will pass info to the group to make an approach.
Many social ills continue to affect the country’s young people and the group agree that they need to be an instrument of change to society. StAY Alive has identified the areas which our young are being affected most and have taken up the challenge to change this by impacting on the society around them and have zeroed in on what has affected them the most; sexual immorality and the related HIV/AIDS pandemic and drug abuse.
StAY Alive runs several programs including:
1. StAY Alive PEVU – A mentorship program
2. P2H (Penzi Halisi Husubiri) Program – A true love waits program (Sexual purity).
3. K-A-T-A-A Initiative - Anti Drugs and Substance Abuse program. K-A-T-A-A is an acronym for Keepin’ Away Threatening Abuse & Addiction.
StAY Alive's anti-drugs campaign climaxes each year in December with a day long-roadshow in and around Zimmerman Est. This years event will be the 7th with great achievements having been met.
As part of our commitment to raise funds each year we walk 25kms in an event dubbed Operation 25. This years budget for the KATAA Roadshow stands at 300,000/- and therefore we hope, with your support, to fund at least 50% of it through funds raised in the walk. The walk is slated for September 27, 2008.
We invite you to give your pledge by reply email ( and a date when we can arrange to collect the same. Further if your organisation would be willing to offer support to this program please advise and I will pass info to the group to make an approach.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Event Recap:: Youth Week 2008 and the Down Beracah Concert
One of the most anticipated periods in the StAY Alive calendar did come and true to tradition did not disappoint at all. Well, when one hears tradition it often springs up a thought of rigidity but to StAY Alive the tradition is that once a certain level has been achieved that’s the new benchmark and next is moving to the next. And that’s what happened in August during the Youth Week!
The youth week commenced with a lovely discussion on ‘Making Career Choices’ where members present shared their thoughts on matters career with the Patron Pappa assisting in the moderating and a riveting personal story on multiple career changes by Joanne Mwangi.
Tuesday and Thursday were prayer days where membership shared on what prayer means to them. The Mid-Week Service was well attended and with Helen leading and Dennis sharing the word from book of Philemon. To cap the weekday activities the different working teams; Eagles, Yakobo and G.O. each participated in different Home Fellowships.
Saturday was the Handy Youth Day. Cleaning was done in all ‘forgotten’ places including the latrine walls and there was a good shine! Other members participated in preparation of the food to be consumed on Sunday and yet others worked on setting up the Church in readiness for the Youth Sunday. It being a Saturday, its worth noting that participation in the Handy Youth Day was disappointingly low with members either not showing up or turning up very late. Indeed during the morning session StATIC outnumbered and outworked StAY Alive! However matters picked up later but still there is A LOT of room for improvement. The same syndrome was also noted on Sunday where some members seemed overworked while others really needed to be pushed hard!!
Let not the above seem to dampen the spirit of the week… many achievements were made, all targets met and the benchmarks raised. Beautiful services marked Sunday, great work at the Youth Desk saw collections for the Operation 25 increase, sumptuous lunch was served, sleeves rolled to lay out the Beracah Concert.
The sound was on point, the décor came alive and the lighting was cheeky and delightful. Though kicking off 40 minutes later than scheduled, a warm praise and worship session by StAY Alive and the Praise Team set the stage for a delightful afternoon. The days curtain raisers easily took up the surprise package of the day. StATIC gave a great account of their well choreographed dance moves with a nice mix starting with the serenading ElShaddai, the shadyish Ngoro Yakwa, the crunked up Throw Your Hands Up, ragga laced ‘Jamming’ and finally the ever hot Fundi Wa Mbao. It was going to be a hot party!
Other performers included solo singers Jijo, Njets, and Sanka; dance troops YRC, XBiz and EDGE; singing groups KTatu among others. The MC’s and DJ did a good job of covering the gaps between the many performers as all were being warmed up to set the stage for the days Show Stoppers. In between there was time for some chiding and encouraging from the youthful Vicar known for the day as Passi J.
Finally StAY Alive took the stage to present one single for their upcoming recording laying the ground for the show stoppers Linda Orocha, Kamau Karongo and Mbuvi. And they did not disappoint. From Linda’s warm Siwezi Bila Wewe to the soulful ballad Tuma Mvua; Karongo’s teasing No Jesus No Life to a surprise unaccompanied Mungu U Mwema to Mbuvi’s high energy Ukilya Moko, Kivevelo (where he roped in the days surpirise guest Kambua) and Nishike it was an event well worth its time living up to its name - it was one big valley of praise, BERACAH!
StAY Alive closed with a warm thanks giving session.
All said and done, the bar has been raised and its time to move to the next level. Other lessons learnt included the need for more small group fellowship (as evidenced by the weekday activities) and more preparation for the handy kind of work!!
See a few pics below. Click here to join our Facebook for more pics!
The youth week commenced with a lovely discussion on ‘Making Career Choices’ where members present shared their thoughts on matters career with the Patron Pappa assisting in the moderating and a riveting personal story on multiple career changes by Joanne Mwangi.
Tuesday and Thursday were prayer days where membership shared on what prayer means to them. The Mid-Week Service was well attended and with Helen leading and Dennis sharing the word from book of Philemon. To cap the weekday activities the different working teams; Eagles, Yakobo and G.O. each participated in different Home Fellowships.
Saturday was the Handy Youth Day. Cleaning was done in all ‘forgotten’ places including the latrine walls and there was a good shine! Other members participated in preparation of the food to be consumed on Sunday and yet others worked on setting up the Church in readiness for the Youth Sunday. It being a Saturday, its worth noting that participation in the Handy Youth Day was disappointingly low with members either not showing up or turning up very late. Indeed during the morning session StATIC outnumbered and outworked StAY Alive! However matters picked up later but still there is A LOT of room for improvement. The same syndrome was also noted on Sunday where some members seemed overworked while others really needed to be pushed hard!!
Let not the above seem to dampen the spirit of the week… many achievements were made, all targets met and the benchmarks raised. Beautiful services marked Sunday, great work at the Youth Desk saw collections for the Operation 25 increase, sumptuous lunch was served, sleeves rolled to lay out the Beracah Concert.
The sound was on point, the décor came alive and the lighting was cheeky and delightful. Though kicking off 40 minutes later than scheduled, a warm praise and worship session by StAY Alive and the Praise Team set the stage for a delightful afternoon. The days curtain raisers easily took up the surprise package of the day. StATIC gave a great account of their well choreographed dance moves with a nice mix starting with the serenading ElShaddai, the shadyish Ngoro Yakwa, the crunked up Throw Your Hands Up, ragga laced ‘Jamming’ and finally the ever hot Fundi Wa Mbao. It was going to be a hot party!
Other performers included solo singers Jijo, Njets, and Sanka; dance troops YRC, XBiz and EDGE; singing groups KTatu among others. The MC’s and DJ did a good job of covering the gaps between the many performers as all were being warmed up to set the stage for the days Show Stoppers. In between there was time for some chiding and encouraging from the youthful Vicar known for the day as Passi J.
Finally StAY Alive took the stage to present one single for their upcoming recording laying the ground for the show stoppers Linda Orocha, Kamau Karongo and Mbuvi. And they did not disappoint. From Linda’s warm Siwezi Bila Wewe to the soulful ballad Tuma Mvua; Karongo’s teasing No Jesus No Life to a surprise unaccompanied Mungu U Mwema to Mbuvi’s high energy Ukilya Moko, Kivevelo (where he roped in the days surpirise guest Kambua) and Nishike it was an event well worth its time living up to its name - it was one big valley of praise, BERACAH!
StAY Alive closed with a warm thanks giving session.
All said and done, the bar has been raised and its time to move to the next level. Other lessons learnt included the need for more small group fellowship (as evidenced by the weekday activities) and more preparation for the handy kind of work!!
See a few pics below. Click here to join our Facebook for more pics!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Beracah 2008
The oldest annual event in the StAY Alive calendar is here with us... Down To Berecah 2008 Edition.
Incase you did not know, Berecah is themed from 2Chr20. What started as a Talent Show in 2000 to an Extravaganza in 2001 with membership participation only, the event now draws a wide range of guests with whom the membership interacts, learns from and exchanges ideas with. Some of the renowned artists who have graced the Down To Beracah Concert include: Voices United Choir, Chizi, Kamau Karongo, Webi, Wangeci Mbogoh, Mercy Masika, Nkatha, C-FU, Abraham, Spiritual Boosters, The Brothers Family among others. Beracah takes place in August to coincede with the annual Youth Week.
This year its no different. Beracah will be the climax of the youth week. The schedule of the youth week is:
Monday: Discussion on 'Making Career Choices'
Tuesday: Prayer Fellowship
Wednesday: MidWeek Service Led By StAY Alive
Thursday: Prayer Fellowship
Friday: Home Fellowships Led By StAY Alive
Saturday: Handy Youth Day With Several Cleaning Activities.
Sunday: All Services by StAY Alive... plus the big one... Down To Beracah - the Concert. With a stellar cast that includes Kamau Karongo, Mbuvi, Linda Orocha, Igniterz, KTatu, Njets na wengine... No doubt its gonna be a praise party as we descend the Valley of Praise - Beracah!!
Incase you did not know, Berecah is themed from 2Chr20. What started as a Talent Show in 2000 to an Extravaganza in 2001 with membership participation only, the event now draws a wide range of guests with whom the membership interacts, learns from and exchanges ideas with. Some of the renowned artists who have graced the Down To Beracah Concert include: Voices United Choir, Chizi, Kamau Karongo, Webi, Wangeci Mbogoh, Mercy Masika, Nkatha, C-FU, Abraham, Spiritual Boosters, The Brothers Family among others. Beracah takes place in August to coincede with the annual Youth Week.
This year its no different. Beracah will be the climax of the youth week. The schedule of the youth week is:
Monday: Discussion on 'Making Career Choices'
Tuesday: Prayer Fellowship
Wednesday: MidWeek Service Led By StAY Alive
Thursday: Prayer Fellowship
Friday: Home Fellowships Led By StAY Alive
Saturday: Handy Youth Day With Several Cleaning Activities.
Sunday: All Services by StAY Alive... plus the big one... Down To Beracah - the Concert. With a stellar cast that includes Kamau Karongo, Mbuvi, Linda Orocha, Igniterz, KTatu, Njets na wengine... No doubt its gonna be a praise party as we descend the Valley of Praise - Beracah!!
MISSION WEEK 2008:: Praise Report
We prayed it would be... and God answered our prayers. God moved in a big way and the mission week was a resounding success on all fronts.
But thats the challenge... following up on all souls won for Christ, taking our evangelism to the next level, creating more room for the expected growing congregation...
Be Transformed!!
But thats the challenge... following up on all souls won for Christ, taking our evangelism to the next level, creating more room for the expected growing congregation...
Be Transformed!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
What promises to be the biggest Mission Week- yet, is here and StAY Alive is in it to the fullest. One cannot help notice the obvious StAY Alive touch from the detailed work program to the full colour posters!! There are brochures, a new podium the works!! Indeed God has been faithful and our prayers and praise still goes on.
As StAY Alive, its time to put our now reknowned free hand spirit and be available each and everyday to do all that there is to be done and fulfill our call to serve and to be on a mission.
Get Alive - StAY Alive
As StAY Alive, its time to put our now reknowned free hand spirit and be available each and everyday to do all that there is to be done and fulfill our call to serve and to be on a mission.
Get Alive - StAY Alive

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
August:: StAY Alives Month
Traditionally August has always been a very busy month. Preceeding the month in July is the P2H program. P2H is acronym for Penzi Halisi Husubiri a program aimed at encouraging chastity through training and group activities. This time we kicked of with some interesting exchange between the ladies and the jamaaz on their views on each other. Further, facilitators from Crisis Pregnancy Ministry are currently facilitating this activity over the next few Sundays.
Back to August... So why has it tarditionally been busy. Well its the month we have the annual Youth Sunday coupled with StAY Alive's longest running annual event... Down To Beracah - The Concert!!
We shall also be very actively involved in the St Andrews Mission Week 2008 besides planned reachouts to peers within our community... keep it here for details.
Meanwhile, did you know StAY Alive was on Facebook? Link Up!!
Back to August... So why has it tarditionally been busy. Well its the month we have the annual Youth Sunday coupled with StAY Alive's longest running annual event... Down To Beracah - The Concert!!
We shall also be very actively involved in the St Andrews Mission Week 2008 besides planned reachouts to peers within our community... keep it here for details.
Meanwhile, did you know StAY Alive was on Facebook? Link Up!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
St Andrews Community Embraces Operation 25
Its now official. The launch of StAY Alives premier fundraising event Operation 25 happened amid applause and great enthusiasm as earlier planned. With a meek target of registering at least 30 walkers from the St Andrews Church (outside StAY Alive membership) the Lord came through with a confirmation that the wider St Andrews Community has embraced the walk concept. The concept doubles up as a fellowship/gettogether for the St Andrews folks and also as a fundraiser for St Alives anti-drugs campaign - KATAA.
Why a confirmation? On launch date we registered a staggering 102 walkers, more than three times the target. At the point of this posting, 176 cards had been distributed with 140 of them having been returned as registered... and still counting.
The plans going forward were articulated by the planning team as:
- all StAY Alive members will be expected to register as walkers.
- all StAY Alive members will further be expected to register at least another three walkers
- members of the KATAA secretariat and officials of StAY Alive will be expected to register at least ten walkers
The target was to register at least 210 walkers and with the enthusiastic response we are well within this target more than two months before walk day.
To register one requires to commit to paying a fee of 1,000/-. One is issued with a card to assist in raising funds for the KATAA Initiative. Whereas registration is 1,000/- walkers are encouraged raise even more funds to the noble initiative.
All registered and paid up walkers will begin receiving the walk tshirts at least two weeks to the walk date.
The planning team will be giving regular updates on registration status, route, funds collected among others.
Why a confirmation? On launch date we registered a staggering 102 walkers, more than three times the target. At the point of this posting, 176 cards had been distributed with 140 of them having been returned as registered... and still counting.
The plans going forward were articulated by the planning team as:
- all StAY Alive members will be expected to register as walkers.
- all StAY Alive members will further be expected to register at least another three walkers
- members of the KATAA secretariat and officials of StAY Alive will be expected to register at least ten walkers
The target was to register at least 210 walkers and with the enthusiastic response we are well within this target more than two months before walk day.
To register one requires to commit to paying a fee of 1,000/-. One is issued with a card to assist in raising funds for the KATAA Initiative. Whereas registration is 1,000/- walkers are encouraged raise even more funds to the noble initiative.
All registered and paid up walkers will begin receiving the walk tshirts at least two weeks to the walk date.
The planning team will be giving regular updates on registration status, route, funds collected among others.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Launching Operation 25 2008
Its bigger and promises to be better... and we hope this is not just a cliche!!
The ground work for the launch of this years edition of Operation 25 has been laid. The launch date has been set for June 8th, 2008 to coincide with the To The Next Level fundraiser for the St Andrews Church project.
Why the date... because as StAY Alive we know we are part of the larger St Andrews community and the family of God. Also, the funds raised on this day are geared towards the completion of the administration block, of which we shall be big beneficiaries in terms of much needed space.
In order not to pre-empt anything, lets stop here but keep it here for details as they unfold.
The ground work for the launch of this years edition of Operation 25 has been laid. The launch date has been set for June 8th, 2008 to coincide with the To The Next Level fundraiser for the St Andrews Church project.
Why the date... because as StAY Alive we know we are part of the larger St Andrews community and the family of God. Also, the funds raised on this day are geared towards the completion of the administration block, of which we shall be big beneficiaries in terms of much needed space.
In order not to pre-empt anything, lets stop here but keep it here for details as they unfold.
Annual Madaraka Day Children's Home Visitation
Even after years of self-rule there are still many living below the poverty line and others in squalor. With this in mind, during the Madaraka Day celebrations, StAY Alive Fellowship (ACK St Andrews Youth – Zimmerman) makes a visit to a children’s home. This year is no exception and we will be visiting Kandara Children’s Home in Kandara. On behalf of the StAY Alive Fellowship, here's your invitation!!
About the home:
The home was started in the 1950’s. It has children aged from 3months – 20 years. The home has about 120 children in total. Some of their pressing needs include food, clothing (especially for the young ones and also briefs), utensils (including cutlery), sanitary pads (for the girls), and beddings. The children attend school in the nearby institutions especially public ones. There are a few older ones who are in secondary school and the home has managed to get a few sponsors for some of them. Some of them are in Njiris, St. Charles Lwanga and Kamahuha School. A few others are in technical training institutions where they are undergoing training courses such as carpentry and joinery, welding among others.
Donations in cash and kind are welcome. If there are people who would like to join us for this trip, fare charges are Kshs 500/-. Registration is going on at ACK St. Andrews Church, Zimmerman at the church office. You can also get in touch with the team leader on 254 0724 789 108 for anything.
Matthew 25: 34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
About the home:
The home was started in the 1950’s. It has children aged from 3months – 20 years. The home has about 120 children in total. Some of their pressing needs include food, clothing (especially for the young ones and also briefs), utensils (including cutlery), sanitary pads (for the girls), and beddings. The children attend school in the nearby institutions especially public ones. There are a few older ones who are in secondary school and the home has managed to get a few sponsors for some of them. Some of them are in Njiris, St. Charles Lwanga and Kamahuha School. A few others are in technical training institutions where they are undergoing training courses such as carpentry and joinery, welding among others.
Donations in cash and kind are welcome. If there are people who would like to join us for this trip, fare charges are Kshs 500/-. Registration is going on at ACK St. Andrews Church, Zimmerman at the church office. You can also get in touch with the team leader on 254 0724 789 108 for anything.
Matthew 25: 34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
StAY Alive Strikes Gold At The African Athletics Championships
We are on the big stage. What may have surprised many during the 2007 edition of Operation 25, the fundraising walk held annually to support StAY Alives activities, majorly the KATAA Initiative was the lady who just walked and walked and completed the course in no time!!! When done with the walk the lady walker spruced up and went to work - kama kawaida.
What will surprise others even more is that that same lady is the toast of the country after enduring the early morning rain and breaking the championship record during the recently concluded African Athletics Championship.
Grace Wanjiru scooped gold for Kenya in a championship record of one hour 39 minutes and 50 seconds. An elated Wanjiru said she is happy to win her second African title. Wanjiru won her first title in Brazzaville, Congo in 2004 in the previous Championship record of 1:42:45. “The rain was just too much but it did not bother me much. I will train hard to see whether I can get a shot at the Olympic Games,” she said.
Kenya won a total of 16 medals in the championship made up of five golds, five silver and six bronze medals to finish fourth behind South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
Well... Operation 25 and StAY Alive might be heading to Beijing. We wish Grace well in her pursuit.

Grace & Geoffrey During The 2007 Edition of Operation 25. Geoff, you should think of taking your talent to the next level!!

Grace Wanjiru celebrates after winning the women’s 20km walk final in the African Athletics Championships in Addis Ababa
What will surprise others even more is that that same lady is the toast of the country after enduring the early morning rain and breaking the championship record during the recently concluded African Athletics Championship.
Grace Wanjiru scooped gold for Kenya in a championship record of one hour 39 minutes and 50 seconds. An elated Wanjiru said she is happy to win her second African title. Wanjiru won her first title in Brazzaville, Congo in 2004 in the previous Championship record of 1:42:45. “The rain was just too much but it did not bother me much. I will train hard to see whether I can get a shot at the Olympic Games,” she said.
Kenya won a total of 16 medals in the championship made up of five golds, five silver and six bronze medals to finish fourth behind South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
Well... Operation 25 and StAY Alive might be heading to Beijing. We wish Grace well in her pursuit.
Get Alive - StAY Alive.
Grace & Geoffrey During The 2007 Edition of Operation 25. Geoff, you should think of taking your talent to the next level!!

Grace Wanjiru celebrates after winning the women’s 20km walk final in the African Athletics Championships in Addis Ababa
Monday, April 21, 2008
Exclusive Interview With Mr. KAYO 2008 Part II
Further to Part I of the exclusive interview with the reigning Mr KAYO here now is Part II. Incase you have not read Part I see it here.
--- Part II ---
Blog Editor: How have you been since last time?
Mr KAYO: Never been better, thanks
Blog Editor: the last time we were chatting you had just gotten to the point of being declared Mr. KAYO... and how since then your daily verse had become Eph 2:10... would you want to expound on that?
Mr KAYO: I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of work, or can I say calling. So, when I heard I won, I was shocked and still in denial...until I read that verse, and it then sank in that I am God's Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God had prepared for me in advance to do. I personalized that verse.
Blog Editor: Would you like to state in what ways in particular?
Mr KAYO: In line with fulfilling my purpose here on earth, God has designed me to use me, so in line with that, like one of my purposes is to minister, and God saw that it will bring Him pleasure for me to serve Him and also the KAYO members in being Mr. KAYO
Another thing, this was a plan God had made way back, even before KAYO existed, so siezi pangua kitu kama hiyo. Thinking about the course my life has been taking since Kitambo, I know God's been bringing me someplace, I am not sure this is it but this mission He's given me, is part of His great plan.
Blog Editor: Brilliant!!! What is Mr & Miss KAYO and what is it all about?
Mr KAYO: At the moment, all I can say is what I've known from the meetings I've attended and the hearsay from people. We are like the face of KAYO and our mandate is being ambassadors / representatives of the anglican youth's in the country. As we speak we've not yet received the official wordings on that.
Blog Editor: History tells me that initial winners of such events blaze the trail and more or less define the role themselves. Thought about that?
Mr KAYO: actually doing that on a rather slow pace I might say. The reason for that is I have to learn how the KAYO executive runs the organisation first. Then another hindrance has been after the event, Miss. KAYO had to travel a bit, so we've never met with her to like set up our structure.
Blog Editor: You have your work cut out!! Back to the day, how was the whole event for you? What new experiences did you gather?
Mr KAYO: Well, I got a rough idea of how to get young people together. The events that will bring them together. I think that’s going to be one tool that I might use to bring the young people together.
Blog Editor: Where does Ken go from here? Not Mr KAYO, but Ken?
Mr KAYO: from here...after Mr. KAYO ? Every year has been different for me. Not as I expect. Its hard to tell, but am sure God has smthn in store for me. He has always surprised me over the years...since 2005.
Blog Editor: Anything significant about 2005?
Mr KAYO: Yeah!! That was when I made St. Andrews ACK Zimmerman my church, that was one major decision I took...a long story behind though, and many other things.
Blog Editor: Great!!! Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Mr KAYO: There's a verse in the bible where Jesus Says that, If they crucified him, what more should we as his followers expect? I don’t have anyone in particular who I can say really inspires me, as in, not one person but they are quite a big lot. A bit by bit from different people.
Blog Editor: Aeronautical Engineering or is it Aerospace Engineering... What’s that?
Mr KAYO: (Laughing) Aeronautical deals with planes, Jets...and such. Aerospace, or Space with matters beyond the earths atmosphere, as the words suggests...."space". Now that’s my Career goal! There's a desire that has been in me since I was small. Since the first time I heard of the universe I've always wanted to be part of a team that will discover that universe and I am trusting God that one day, He'll open my eyes to the wonders that lie beyond the confines of earth and one way, is I'll get to study aerospace engineering, and I'll be on my way to seeing much more of God's amazing creativity in creation
Blog Editor: We pray that that comes to pass.
Mr KAYO: AMEN to your prayer. I appreciate
Blog Editor: What do you enjoy doing? And what do you do in your spare time (if any)?
Mr KAYO: I Sing. I love singing, nothing else gives more pleasure. Even when doing other things that I enjoy doing like swimming, I just find myself singing. Watching Movies, if its musically based, I'll love it more. So singing is basically what I love doing most.
Blog Editor: What have you watched recently?
Mr KAYO: High School Musical, it’s my favourite.
Blog Editor: What do most people NOT know about Ken?
Mr KAYO: mmhhh, tough one!! That I have two big brothers and one small sister in high school. I guess.
Blog Editor: What’s your take on the ladies? And are you seeing someone?
Mr KAYO: I aint seeing anyone now, we broke up with my girl about a month ago.
Blog Editor: Was your breakup before or after Mr KAYO?
Mr KAYO: Before, four weeks before the event
Blog Editor: What do you want to be remembered for?
Mr KAYO: Having given KAYO a face lift is one, and being a testimony of the verse that says "DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD and he will fulfill the desires of your heart."
Blog Editor: What’s your advise to all young people out there, young Christians and KAYO affiliates?
Mr KAYO: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
Blog Editor: Amen... Parting Shot?
Mr KAYO: Nothing takes God by surprise.
Blog Editor: Amen, barakaz and we wish you all the best in your endeavors and your walk with Christ
Mr KAYO: Amen and thank you so much for the opportunity.
--- Part II ---
Blog Editor: How have you been since last time?
Mr KAYO: Never been better, thanks
Blog Editor: the last time we were chatting you had just gotten to the point of being declared Mr. KAYO... and how since then your daily verse had become Eph 2:10... would you want to expound on that?
Mr KAYO: I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of work, or can I say calling. So, when I heard I won, I was shocked and still in denial...until I read that verse, and it then sank in that I am God's Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God had prepared for me in advance to do. I personalized that verse.
Blog Editor: Would you like to state in what ways in particular?
Mr KAYO: In line with fulfilling my purpose here on earth, God has designed me to use me, so in line with that, like one of my purposes is to minister, and God saw that it will bring Him pleasure for me to serve Him and also the KAYO members in being Mr. KAYO
Another thing, this was a plan God had made way back, even before KAYO existed, so siezi pangua kitu kama hiyo. Thinking about the course my life has been taking since Kitambo, I know God's been bringing me someplace, I am not sure this is it but this mission He's given me, is part of His great plan.
Blog Editor: Brilliant!!! What is Mr & Miss KAYO and what is it all about?
Mr KAYO: At the moment, all I can say is what I've known from the meetings I've attended and the hearsay from people. We are like the face of KAYO and our mandate is being ambassadors / representatives of the anglican youth's in the country. As we speak we've not yet received the official wordings on that.
Blog Editor: History tells me that initial winners of such events blaze the trail and more or less define the role themselves. Thought about that?
Mr KAYO: actually doing that on a rather slow pace I might say. The reason for that is I have to learn how the KAYO executive runs the organisation first. Then another hindrance has been after the event, Miss. KAYO had to travel a bit, so we've never met with her to like set up our structure.
Blog Editor: You have your work cut out!! Back to the day, how was the whole event for you? What new experiences did you gather?
Mr KAYO: Well, I got a rough idea of how to get young people together. The events that will bring them together. I think that’s going to be one tool that I might use to bring the young people together.
Blog Editor: Where does Ken go from here? Not Mr KAYO, but Ken?
Mr KAYO: from here...after Mr. KAYO ? Every year has been different for me. Not as I expect. Its hard to tell, but am sure God has smthn in store for me. He has always surprised me over the years...since 2005.
Blog Editor: Anything significant about 2005?
Mr KAYO: Yeah!! That was when I made St. Andrews ACK Zimmerman my church, that was one major decision I took...a long story behind though, and many other things.
Blog Editor: Great!!! Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Mr KAYO: There's a verse in the bible where Jesus Says that, If they crucified him, what more should we as his followers expect? I don’t have anyone in particular who I can say really inspires me, as in, not one person but they are quite a big lot. A bit by bit from different people.
Blog Editor: Aeronautical Engineering or is it Aerospace Engineering... What’s that?
Mr KAYO: (Laughing) Aeronautical deals with planes, Jets...and such. Aerospace, or Space with matters beyond the earths atmosphere, as the words suggests...."space". Now that’s my Career goal! There's a desire that has been in me since I was small. Since the first time I heard of the universe I've always wanted to be part of a team that will discover that universe and I am trusting God that one day, He'll open my eyes to the wonders that lie beyond the confines of earth and one way, is I'll get to study aerospace engineering, and I'll be on my way to seeing much more of God's amazing creativity in creation
Blog Editor: We pray that that comes to pass.
Mr KAYO: AMEN to your prayer. I appreciate
Blog Editor: What do you enjoy doing? And what do you do in your spare time (if any)?
Mr KAYO: I Sing. I love singing, nothing else gives more pleasure. Even when doing other things that I enjoy doing like swimming, I just find myself singing. Watching Movies, if its musically based, I'll love it more. So singing is basically what I love doing most.
Blog Editor: What have you watched recently?
Mr KAYO: High School Musical, it’s my favourite.
Blog Editor: What do most people NOT know about Ken?
Mr KAYO: mmhhh, tough one!! That I have two big brothers and one small sister in high school. I guess.
Blog Editor: What’s your take on the ladies? And are you seeing someone?
Mr KAYO: I aint seeing anyone now, we broke up with my girl about a month ago.
Blog Editor: Was your breakup before or after Mr KAYO?
Mr KAYO: Before, four weeks before the event
Blog Editor: What do you want to be remembered for?
Mr KAYO: Having given KAYO a face lift is one, and being a testimony of the verse that says "DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD and he will fulfill the desires of your heart."
Blog Editor: What’s your advise to all young people out there, young Christians and KAYO affiliates?
Mr KAYO: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
Blog Editor: Amen... Parting Shot?
Mr KAYO: Nothing takes God by surprise.
Blog Editor: Amen, barakaz and we wish you all the best in your endeavors and your walk with Christ
Mr KAYO: Amen and thank you so much for the opportunity.
And Now Going Dot Com
After a seven month play about with a stayalive web log (aka blog) StAY Alive is now looking forward to launching a full fledge website. Although at the initial stages a launch by the third quarter of 2008 may not seem to be over ambitious!!
We are looking forward to that!!
We are looking forward to that!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
StATIC - St Andrews Teens In Christ is the Teens arm of the St Andrews community in Zimmerman Nairobi. With a dedicated service every Sunday among other initiatives, they have now come up with what promises to be their biggest social event yet!!
BD Ya StATIC is a social initiative that targets to reach out to the wider Zimmerman community mobilising them to donate blood. Each drop counts...
Ideally, StATIC is the nursery bed of the StAY Alive Fellowship. Goes without saying therefore that StAY Alive will be offering her hand and expertise in support of ths noble initiative.
Your chance to save a life is here, Your time to save a life is now. Get Busy!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008
FOCUS :: Commission 2008
Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS-KENYA) is a movement of Christian students in universities and colleges in Kenya that seeks to prepare students in all areas of life. FOCUS is an interdenominational and non-profit movement comprising of 38 affiliated Christian Unions in Kenya's public and private universities and colleges. We serve over 10,000 students who are members of the CUs in their campuses. FOCUS-KENYA is also affiliated to the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students IFES.
Why all that?? After every three years, FOCUS organizes a Mission conference dubbed COMMISSION which brings together young people from colleges and universities from all over Africa. They spend six days together thinking through issues of mission - global, regional and national, being facilitated by leading global voices in the world of mission. At the end of this year (29th Dec - 4th Jan 09), FOCUS shall bring together at least 3,000 participants drawn from all over Africa and beyond hosted at Kabarak University. This will be a transforming moment for those who will attend. The charges are Kshs.7, 800 for every participant. But there is good news for every one who is currently a student (and can produce evidence to the same effect).
Every student will pay Kshs.3, 800, a subsidy of Kshs.4, 000.
For further details including the program and topics, please click here.
Why all that?? After every three years, FOCUS organizes a Mission conference dubbed COMMISSION which brings together young people from colleges and universities from all over Africa. They spend six days together thinking through issues of mission - global, regional and national, being facilitated by leading global voices in the world of mission. At the end of this year (29th Dec - 4th Jan 09), FOCUS shall bring together at least 3,000 participants drawn from all over Africa and beyond hosted at Kabarak University. This will be a transforming moment for those who will attend. The charges are Kshs.7, 800 for every participant. But there is good news for every one who is currently a student (and can produce evidence to the same effect).
Every student will pay Kshs.3, 800, a subsidy of Kshs.4, 000.
For further details including the program and topics, please click here.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Exclusive Interview With Mr. KAYO 2008 Part I
As promised we publish the first part of our interview with the winner of the inaugural Mr KAYO...
Blog Editor: Jambo Kenince... allow me to introduce myself. I am the Editor of the StAY Alive blog. As agreed would you grant us your interview please??
Mr KAYO: mmhhh, I'll be honored
Blog Editor: thank you ... we are experiencing some few problems with our technolgy so please bear with us incase we get interrupted now and then.
Mr KAYO: no problem... I'll understand
Blog Editor: So who is Ken?
Mr KAYO: Ken. Ken is a born again Christian, who's only desire is to live for God.
Blog Editor: Amen, Some background? School, siblings, career, walk with Christ?
Mr KAYO: I went to three primary Schools, but I won't get into details about that... Went to Kabaa High School for secondary education.. thats where I kinda started cementing my relationship with Christ.
I had very helpful friends, I'll mentioned just three of 'em for now... James Kiamba, was in 4th form wen I was in form one, then there was Simon Mumbu who was in form 3, then James Nyamai, was in form 2, then My best friend in high school was Mark Nzomo..we were in the same class. Amazingly I was covered by God fearing friends all through high school...
I have two bro's and one sister... she's in form four at the moment... We love her just so much.
I work with a technology company... but my heart actually is to one day study Aerospace Engineering. At the moment its seen as a dream that will never be, but by the grace of God, I'll make it a reality. I've learnt to live my life without limiting God.
Blog Editor: Wow thats quite something... we'll get back to that. How was your childhood and upbringing?
Mr KAYO: My childhood was the best. My Mom taught me most of what I know about God, and my dad about life.
I love reading, and I trace that trait to both my I can proudly say that, the good me is a result of my parents, the bad me, that’s my fault. (laughs)
Blog Editor: are you not being too hard on yourself??
Mr KAYO: NO AM NOT... It’s all true..
Blog Editor: I can see your parents have had such an influence on your life... I am sure they are proud of you
Mr KAYO: I hope they were, and wherever they are...I hope they are
Blog Editor: Were??
Mr KAYO: they all passed
Blog Editor: Oh sorry about that!! What age were you when they did??
Mr KAYO: My dad passed when I was 9yrs old...that was 7th June 1996 and my mom five years later... 13th November 2001, I was in form 1 then.
Blog Editor: How sad!! It must have been tough for such a young man. So how was life after mom and dad if I may ask?
Mr KAYO: God's been faithful, He's doing his part well
Blog Editor: And is that not evident in your life... So would you say that was your turning point into knowing Christ?
Mr KAYO: yeah...I can say that. When u have nothing else to hold on to, sometimes people tend to despair and lose hope...but I thank my parents coz they had taught me about God. I learnt to trust him more n more.
Blog Editor: That was Ken before Mr KAYO, and after? Who is Ken?
Mr KAYO: now Ken after Mr. KAYO, mmhh.... Eph. 2:10 became my daily verse
Blog Editor: Would you wish to expound on that?
Click here for Part II
Blog Editor: Jambo Kenince... allow me to introduce myself. I am the Editor of the StAY Alive blog. As agreed would you grant us your interview please??
Mr KAYO: mmhhh, I'll be honored
Blog Editor: thank you ... we are experiencing some few problems with our technolgy so please bear with us incase we get interrupted now and then.
Mr KAYO: no problem... I'll understand
Blog Editor: So who is Ken?
Mr KAYO: Ken. Ken is a born again Christian, who's only desire is to live for God.
Blog Editor: Amen, Some background? School, siblings, career, walk with Christ?
Mr KAYO: I went to three primary Schools, but I won't get into details about that... Went to Kabaa High School for secondary education.. thats where I kinda started cementing my relationship with Christ.
I had very helpful friends, I'll mentioned just three of 'em for now... James Kiamba, was in 4th form wen I was in form one, then there was Simon Mumbu who was in form 3, then James Nyamai, was in form 2, then My best friend in high school was Mark Nzomo..we were in the same class. Amazingly I was covered by God fearing friends all through high school...
I have two bro's and one sister... she's in form four at the moment... We love her just so much.
I work with a technology company... but my heart actually is to one day study Aerospace Engineering. At the moment its seen as a dream that will never be, but by the grace of God, I'll make it a reality. I've learnt to live my life without limiting God.
Blog Editor: Wow thats quite something... we'll get back to that. How was your childhood and upbringing?
Mr KAYO: My childhood was the best. My Mom taught me most of what I know about God, and my dad about life.
I love reading, and I trace that trait to both my I can proudly say that, the good me is a result of my parents, the bad me, that’s my fault. (laughs)
Blog Editor: are you not being too hard on yourself??
Mr KAYO: NO AM NOT... It’s all true..
Blog Editor: I can see your parents have had such an influence on your life... I am sure they are proud of you
Mr KAYO: I hope they were, and wherever they are...I hope they are
Blog Editor: Were??
Mr KAYO: they all passed
Blog Editor: Oh sorry about that!! What age were you when they did??
Mr KAYO: My dad passed when I was 9yrs old...that was 7th June 1996 and my mom five years later... 13th November 2001, I was in form 1 then.
Blog Editor: How sad!! It must have been tough for such a young man. So how was life after mom and dad if I may ask?
Mr KAYO: God's been faithful, He's doing his part well
Blog Editor: And is that not evident in your life... So would you say that was your turning point into knowing Christ?
Mr KAYO: yeah...I can say that. When u have nothing else to hold on to, sometimes people tend to despair and lose hope...but I thank my parents coz they had taught me about God. I learnt to trust him more n more.
Blog Editor: That was Ken before Mr KAYO, and after? Who is Ken?
Mr KAYO: now Ken after Mr. KAYO, mmhh.... Eph. 2:10 became my daily verse
Blog Editor: Would you wish to expound on that?
Click here for Part II
Friday, April 4, 2008
Mr. & Miss KAYO
First off... StAY Alive is an affiliate member of the Kenya Anglican Youth Organisation (KAYO) through the Diocese of Nairobi. We are proud to have influenced the growth of the group and be part of its resurgence into being relevant to todays young woman and man!!
The first Mr. & Miss KAYO event took place on Saturday 29th March 2008 and StAY Alive was ably represented in various categories. We had a lovely song presentation, a designer in the design category and indeed entries for both Mr. & Miss KAYO.
StAY Alive's biggest program in terms of reach and budget KATAA was also very well represented with a tent dedicated to providing info on the anti drugs campaign that StAY Alive runs.
The first Mr. & Miss KAYO event took place on Saturday 29th March 2008 and StAY Alive was ably represented in various categories. We had a lovely song presentation, a designer in the design category and indeed entries for both Mr. & Miss KAYO.
StAY Alive's biggest program in terms of reach and budget KATAA was also very well represented with a tent dedicated to providing info on the anti drugs campaign that StAY Alive runs.
The KATAA Tent At The Event
While the PA would be blamed in messing up 'conviniently' during StAY Alives song presentation after such a good showing, there is no denying our singing group gave their all in their performance... not to forget they had just endured a ten hour singing marathon the night before during the Vigil!!
In the design category where we were represented by Mary Nyambura, her immaculate work on the woolen wall hangings scooped the 2nd runners up. Big ups Mary!!
The stage had earlier been set and the inaugural Mr. & Miss KAYO had been launched in pomp and glamour. StAY Alive was represented in this category by Mary Nyambura (yes!!) and Kenince Mbithi. This pair more than wakilishad StAY Alive and indeed the true creative, quick thinking and flambouyant spirit of StAY Alive was evident whenever they took the stage!!
After a superb day, it was time for the judges to give their verdict... and was it not great!!! The first Mr KAYO ever was declared to be Kenince Mbithi from the StAY Alive Fellowship.
Keep it right here, we shall be running an exclusive interview with the new Mr KAYO to hear his story as shall will also do with StAY Alives lady rep in the fete.
While the PA would be blamed in messing up 'conviniently' during StAY Alives song presentation after such a good showing, there is no denying our singing group gave their all in their performance... not to forget they had just endured a ten hour singing marathon the night before during the Vigil!!
In the design category where we were represented by Mary Nyambura, her immaculate work on the woolen wall hangings scooped the 2nd runners up. Big ups Mary!!
The stage had earlier been set and the inaugural Mr. & Miss KAYO had been launched in pomp and glamour. StAY Alive was represented in this category by Mary Nyambura (yes!!) and Kenince Mbithi. This pair more than wakilishad StAY Alive and indeed the true creative, quick thinking and flambouyant spirit of StAY Alive was evident whenever they took the stage!!
After a superb day, it was time for the judges to give their verdict... and was it not great!!! The first Mr KAYO ever was declared to be Kenince Mbithi from the StAY Alive Fellowship.
Keep it right here, we shall be running an exclusive interview with the new Mr KAYO to hear his story as shall will also do with StAY Alives lady rep in the fete.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
the Vigil - 2008
Each Friday immediately after Easter every year since 2002 the StAY Alive Fellowship has been holding the annual praise and prayer night, the Vigil. This year is no different and the Vigil is again with us.
On March 28th 2008 the Vigil, 2008 takes place... put on your praise jacket, tell your bed so long and join with the StAY Alive Vigil 2008 starting at 9:30PM til dawn. This years Vigil is themed around Amos 5:4-6...

Thursday, February 28, 2008
2008 :: Fresh & Exciting
It's now official, we are down for another exciting year. The Launch: where the year's activities are layed-out, the cabinet presented and a guiding theme released took place on the afternoon of Sunday Feb 24th... and it promises to be an exciting year of growth in every aspect (mind, body and soul)... keeping in true spirit of the StAY Alive mission and vision.
Where to start? The calendar perhaps? OK... hold your breath

Where to start? The calendar perhaps? OK... hold your breath
Strol-A-Bout – 09/03/08 (Roadshow Followup)
the Vigil - 28/03/08
Talent fest & Mr. & Miss KAYO personality – 29/03/08
the Vigil - 28/03/08
Talent fest & Mr. & Miss KAYO personality – 29/03/08
KATAA retreat – 19/04/08
Funfair – 04/05/08
School Visitation – 18/05/07
Archdeaconry Drama Festivals – 24/05/08
School Visitation – 18/05/07
Archdeaconry Drama Festivals – 24/05/08
Children’s Home Visitation – 01/06/08
Short course training on drugs and substance abuse – 7, 14, 28/06/08
KAYO exhibition and Cultural Day – 21/06/08
Short course training on drugs and substance abuse – 7, 14, 28/06/08
KAYO exhibition and Cultural Day – 21/06/08
P2H – 13, 20, 27/07/08
Archdeaconry Sports Day – 26/07/08
Funfair – 24/08/08
KAYO Enrollment – 30/08/08
Youth Sunday & Down to Beracah, the Concert – 31/08/08
KAYO Enrollment – 30/08/08
Youth Sunday & Down to Beracah, the Concert – 31/08/08
Diocesan Drama festivals – 06/09/08
Operation 25 – 27/09/08
Diocesan Youth Retreat – 27/09/08
Operation 25 – 27/09/08
Diocesan Youth Retreat – 27/09/08
Prayer Retreat – 18, 19/10/08
Diocesan Sports Day – 25/10/08
PhD prais-a-thon – 26/10/08
Diocesan Sports Day – 25/10/08
PhD prais-a-thon – 26/10/08
Excursion – 08/11/08
StAY Klean & StAY Alive Roadshow 29/11/08
KAYO Mission week 8-13/11/08
StAY Klean & StAY Alive Roadshow 29/11/08
KAYO Mission week 8-13/11/08
Dinner & Liberty Awards Nite – 12/12/08
Is that something or what?? There is no stopping us!!
The guys to help drive these agenda are as per the cabinet:
Anthony Kibigo
Minister – Sports, Recreation & Performing Arts
Anthony Kibigo
Minister – Sports, Recreation & Performing Arts
Dennis Wabukala
Minister – Praise & Worship
Dennis Wabukala
Minister – Praise & Worship
Teresiah Nyaoro
Minister – Special Events
Teresiah Nyaoro
Minister – Special Events
Martin Njenga
Minister - Missions, Outreach & Orientation
Martin Njenga
Minister - Missions, Outreach & Orientation
Barbara Maina – Member
Minister - Welfare & Hospitality
Minister - Welfare & Hospitality
Geoffrey Waweru – Member
Minister - Spiritual Development
Minister - Spiritual Development
Kenince Mbithi – Member
Minister - Fundraising & Development
Minister - Fundraising & Development
A new dimension for accountability involvement and execution has seen the establishment of three teams (A, Alpha and One... for now) with any new member joining in on the teams. This development has seen the establishment of a new award category in the annual StAY Alive Dinner & Liberty Awards... Team of The Year. Initial membership was established thus:
Team A:
Mary Nyambura, Daniel Munene, Harriet, Jane Wanjira, David Kamau, Steve Karanja, Isaac, Kate Kabura, Alex Karuga, Eddah (Ida) Wanjiru, Rachael Maina, John Kiarie (KJ), Andrew, Gasper, Teresiah Nyaoro, Anthony Kibigo.
Team Alpha:
Rose Njeri, Evelyn Muthoni, Lydia Ndwiga, Edgar Davids, Ednah Wabukala, Catherine Muthoni, Sam Wamukota, Dororthy Wakio, Zipporah Muiruri, Sarah Ngina, Sarah Nyateng’, Audreine, Thomas, Cris Mwangi, Wawira Geoffrey, Dennis, Martin.
Team One:
Floyd Omondi, Helen Muiruri, Gertrude Gatwiri, Fred Ndung’u, Harun Wokuti, Julie Nduta, Mary Wairimu, , Robert Njoroge, Charles Mbuthia, Evans Kombo, Mumba Sam, Esther Gachambi, Irene Wairimu, Juliet Njeri, Laban Kioria, Elias Wamae.
Mary Nyambura, Daniel Munene, Harriet, Jane Wanjira, David Kamau, Steve Karanja, Isaac, Kate Kabura, Alex Karuga, Eddah (Ida) Wanjiru, Rachael Maina, John Kiarie (KJ), Andrew, Gasper, Teresiah Nyaoro, Anthony Kibigo.
Team Alpha:
Rose Njeri, Evelyn Muthoni, Lydia Ndwiga, Edgar Davids, Ednah Wabukala, Catherine Muthoni, Sam Wamukota, Dororthy Wakio, Zipporah Muiruri, Sarah Ngina, Sarah Nyateng’, Audreine, Thomas, Cris Mwangi, Wawira Geoffrey, Dennis, Martin.
Team One:
Floyd Omondi, Helen Muiruri, Gertrude Gatwiri, Fred Ndung’u, Harun Wokuti, Julie Nduta, Mary Wairimu, , Robert Njoroge, Charles Mbuthia, Evans Kombo, Mumba Sam, Esther Gachambi, Irene Wairimu, Juliet Njeri, Laban Kioria, Elias Wamae.
Top on their agendas will be coming up with team names, slogans and captains - who should not be officials currently holding office.
That done with leaves the driving mantra for the year... based on the theme... The theme is taken from Amos 5:4–6 ‘Seek the Lord & Live’. How profound and perfectly timed. Why say so? Due to our orientation and socialisation today, young guys today seemingly do not really understand true salvation. Infact wokovu ama kusema umeokoka ni kama fashion statement, yaani ni kama kitu ya kuvaa. Reality ya heaven na hell lazima ipate wasee. Indeed, as we seek to be changers of the generation we should seek to start with the change ourselves… become the change… au sio? Thus seek the Lord & Live, ukisleki??? Jijazie!!! So here's the theme and mantra

2008 goes down, the Lord be praised. Keep it here!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
AFLEWO 2008 Begins Choir Registration
Registration of choir members for the 2008 edition of AFLEWO began officially on 20th February. Running until 28th March 2008, the process will see recruitment of an inter-denominational choir that will spearhead this year's event. Full registration charges are 1,500/=, with a minimum non-refundable fee of 500/=. Registration is being done at IBS Bookshop (Re-Insurance Plaza) and Daystar Alumni Office, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm everyday. This year's AFLEWO theme is healing and reconciliation.
Willing to participate??
Willing to participate??
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Launching 2008
Ready for take-off?? Fasten your seatbelts, prepare for take-off ... StAY Alive is launching 2008. Keep it here for details.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Praise Team Goes To Studio
A long running cherished dream of the St Andrews Praise Team (membership of which is almost 100% StAY Alive) is to place their talent on CD and use it to make a contribution in changing the world seems to be turning to reality.
News on the ground state that new songs and renditions are being currently worked on and its just a matter of time before the first single off the CD is released. Look out for the full CD launch later in the year... keep the faith!!!
News on the ground state that new songs and renditions are being currently worked on and its just a matter of time before the first single off the CD is released. Look out for the full CD launch later in the year... keep the faith!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
2008 - Fresh Mandate , New Ideas
It has been a while, has it not been?? Well its 2-0-0-8 and here we are. In general there is a sombre mood in the country and the usual Kenyan optimism is conspicuously missing... but know what? We are believers in the Most High God and we are certain that God will hear our prayers.
So what is in store for StAY Alive in 2008... time will tell but for starters we have a new team of leaders to see us through the year. Some were given a fresh mandate while others in keeping with the StAY Alive tradition were allowed to take their sabbatical while a fresh crop of leaders was ushered in. It will be interesting to see the new cabinet appointments but as we stand this is the anointed team for 2008. Kazi kwenu!!
Chairperson: Anthony Kibigo
Secretary: Teresia Nyaoro
Treasurer: Martin Njenga
Member: Dennis Wabukala
Member: Barbara Maina
Member: Geoffrey Waweru
Member: Kenince Mbithi
Congrats to y'all and may you execute God's mandate with vigour and vitality.
So what is in store for StAY Alive in 2008... time will tell but for starters we have a new team of leaders to see us through the year. Some were given a fresh mandate while others in keeping with the StAY Alive tradition were allowed to take their sabbatical while a fresh crop of leaders was ushered in. It will be interesting to see the new cabinet appointments but as we stand this is the anointed team for 2008. Kazi kwenu!!
Chairperson: Anthony Kibigo
Secretary: Teresia Nyaoro
Treasurer: Martin Njenga
Member: Dennis Wabukala
Member: Barbara Maina
Member: Geoffrey Waweru
Member: Kenince Mbithi
Congrats to y'all and may you execute God's mandate with vigour and vitality.
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