Under the K.A.T.A.A Initiative, the roadshow is the major event in StAY Alives anti-drugs program. As it has come to be known, the roadshow is an engaging and heated run through the estates in and around Kasarani.
The Roadshow emphases on reaching out with a message against drugs. In tow are live performances, skits and dance, brass band... rehabilitating drug addicts, counselors etc
This years roadshow is the seventh of its kind.
Time and Place
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008
Time: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Kasarani Division - Zimmerman, Githurai 44 / 45
Flag off: Kahawa West
Route: Kahawa West - Githurai 44/45 - Roysambu - Zimmerman.
[StAYAlive’s Anti-Drug & Substance Abuse Program]
St Andrews Youth [StAY] Alive Fellowship is the youth arm of the ACK St Andrew’s Church in Zimmerman Estate, Nairobi, StAY Alive Fellowship exists as an arm of the Church to proclaim the message of Christ through prayers, fellowship, mission and training enabling the youth to mature holistically to fight as good soldiers of Christ and thus attain the crown when Christ returns.
We realize that the above vision cannot be fulfilled without reaching out to the young people around us. Many social ills are continuing to affect the country’s young people and we therefore agree that we need to be an instrument of change to society. We have identified the areas which our young are being affected most and have taken up the challenge to change the society around us. This is being done through various programs which include:
1.K-A-T-A-A Initiative - Anti Drugs and Substance Abuse program
2.P2H (Penzi Halisi Husubiri,) Program – A true love waits program (Sexual purity).
3.StAY Alive PEVU —A mentorship program
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KATAA stands for Keepin’ Away Threatening Abuse and Addiction
It is quite evident that our society is no longer ‘Klean’ – free from drugs. The indicators in the community show a drug culture exhibited by:
- Alcoholism
- Rising drugs related immoralities and crime (Violent robberies, rape, murder,
suicide, corruption and sexual promiscuity)
- Indiscipline in schools
- Reported serious drug trafficking cases
We believe that the church today is called not only to preach the gospel but also be the “salt” and “light” of the world.
- Salt — Positively affect the society without ignoring any ‘kind’ of people.
- Light — Take a front line role in showing direction to the society and spearhead the fight against all immorality and ills in the society.
We believe that the moral decay In our society can be contained if we take a step towards eliminating it.
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StAY Klean & StAY Alive
Say NO to drugs - KATAA
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Main Goal and Objectives
The main goal of the Initiative is to assist in DEMAND REDUCTION. This is based on certain fundamental principals which include: -
•“Prevention is better than cure”: Providing information on drugs and drug abuse is
crucial to enable our youth make informed decisions.
• Showing the co-relation between drugs and HIV/AIDS
• Providing interventions to drug users and addicts by giving tit-bits on how to
kick the habit and/or referring them to places where they can get assistance.
• Pointing the way to the One who can “fill the void” which we seek to fill with
drugs. In this regard we seek to substitute the impact of drugs with Jesus Christ.
From the above goal and principles the following outcomes are expected:
• A reduction in the drug abuse menace in our society. Starting from our immediate
environs, to the entire city and hopefully the nation, We envisage a future
society that is drugs free.
• An enlightened community with respect to the dangers of being involved in drugs
either use or trafficking (drug abuse).
• A Help Centre for people already entangled in drugs and substance abuse
• A Resource and Co-ordination Base/Centre for Anti-Drugs Abuse Campaigners within
our immediate environment.
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The Strategic Approaches
StAY Alive implements this program through the use of the available resources.
- This Initiative is under the administration of a special secretariat appointed
from the StAY Alive Fellowship.
- Tap available talents, abilities and professional skills amongst its members and
the church at large (The secretariat has the full mandate to set up special task-
force sub committees and co-opt member from the church).
- Establish links with resourceful departments within the church i.e. The Counseling
Team, Community Aids Educators in St. Andrews (CAESA), Education Board and the
Medical Board.
Explore and utilize available avenues in the sensitization campaign
- StAY Klean and SLAY Alive Anti-drugs Roadshows.
- Seminars / workshops / Talk shop and fellowship.
- School programs
- Electronic and print media particularly Radio & TV Programs on local stations
and newspaper/magazine articles
- Use of other mass conscietization materials like posters, pamphlets, banners,
stickers, labels, badges, caps, T-shirts, signs.
- Theatric performance including e.g. songs, plays & Skits, poems, puppetry,
More Objectives:
To equip and prepare the KATAA Programme participants (especially the StAY Alive members) now and in future so that they can effectively reach out and basically reach out people on drugs.
Resource persons: Counsellor’s experience, people with knowledge of drugs and their effects drawn from handling of such patients.
Rehabilitated persons People who will help us stage a successful campaign in terms of follow up & Campaigners and sharing of personal experiences of such campaigns.
To equip the community i.e. spouses, guardians, siblings, peers on how to handle and cope with such affected individuals, addicts and susceptible parties.
To establish links with readily and locally available counselors and counseling organizations so that a follow up programme is pursued where a system with a person responsible for handling drugs issues is established.
For starters, an avenue for sourcing drugs related problems. Then the StAY Alive office and the KATAA Secretariat will channel the problems/ affected people to the local counselors who will do their part and in special cases, they will channel the clients to relevant counseling organizations/ hospitals.
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Thank you and God bless you
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