What made it different this time was the fact that in its fourth edition , it doubled up as a get-together for the wider St Andrews Community. What that meant was that the turn out was big with over 100 walkers participating in the walk proper, meaning larger logistics but also more excitement!
Well before 7:00AM StAY Alivers had already started trickling in and setting the place. The first walkers started signing in at 7 and with the huge turnout this went on for a while. Some minutes to 8 was warm up time. Aerobics (complete with an instructor) went on and the atmosphere got electric. A few opening remarks later including summaries of the do's and don'ts the Pastor blessed the walkers and flagged off the eager participants at 8:30.
The young, the old; the not so young and not so old; bikers, walkers, runners; crawlers and all were at their best.
Three and a half hours later the first walkers were back and they trickled back til the last group at 2:10PM.
A sumptous lunch was served and blessings said. StAY Alive remid behind to clean up.
In all, the statistics were amazing... 300 cards issued, over 150 fully paid up and as we published amounts collected had hit 196,000!! And counting. We beleive by the time the curtains come down on Operation 25, our 210,000 target will have been hit.
Great day, well spent. And all agreed, we shall be back in 12months!!
Savor the pics, more on FaceBook.
The Top Walker For The Second Year Running... Keep at it Geoff!!